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Theatre Mask and Movement Master Class PUBLIK
Svensk/franska teaterkompaniet Theatre In-Balance jobbar flerspråkigt och internationellt med mask, text och scenisk gestaltning sedan 2016.
Här vänder vi oss till dig som vill följa och observera arbetet med professionella artister under en kväll som publik.
Arbetet med Master Class, pågår under 3 timmar, på Barnens scen
The ©In-Balance Method is a method Mariana created throughout her work as a
theatre-mask-puppet master as an actor, writer, director, and pedagogue and
she is considered an expert in her field. Currently taught by Mariana in
drama schools all over the world, the Method is based on her 30-plus years
of experience in theatre and pedagogy.
Genre: Annat
Målgrupp: Från 18 år
Längd: 180 min
Medverkande: Mariana Araoz, professor of mask at Teaterhögskolan Malmö since 2013, and at Ecole du Jeu in Paris, is the Artistic Director of TMR Theatre In-Balance in Sweden, and of Maison de l'Equilibre du Genre/Collectif Masque in Paris. She divides her time between Sweden and France. Mariana specializes in gender balance, puppetry and masks. With her two companies in Sweden and France, she produces and directs plays, movies, conferences and workshops using the Mask and Puppets technique, creating a unique gender-fluid, peace and equality theatre style. (see bio enclosed above). Her work is regularly showcased internationally and in Sweden. She teaches her In-Balance Method of physical theatre at some of the most renowned national drama schools in the world, at the National Academy of the Arts Oslo, in New York , Tokyo, Paris, Barcelona ect and her book is available for purchase.
Theatre In-Balance
Director: Mariana Araoz
Vanessa Jönsson Poole
Production Assistant/ Administrator
Mobile Vanessa: 0046 70 6001850
Mobile Mariana: 0046 73 9814963
2025-03-28 kl 18:00, biljettpris 100 kr Till bokning